Birth Trauma Therapy

Birth Trauma Therapy is a simple and effective way of deactivating the trauma template. If your birth has left you with difficult emotions or physical symptoms then Rewind Therapy could help you to remove that emotional tag from the memory in your brain.

I offer 3 sessions, 50 minutes long. We discuss what trauma is and how it affects you, we will go through your birth experience at your pace and I will help you create a relaxing space in your imagination. Here we will then be able to use deep relaxation skills and methods to begin to deactivate the trauma template.

Birth is a unique experience, everyone will experience their birth in different ways with different emotions. Some can be left with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) symptoms and we can explore what treatment may be best.

For some a listening service may be what is needed, I can help signpost if I feel Birth Trauma Therapy would not be suitable and I would be able to recommend which service would be more appropriate.

Birth Trauma Therapy is to be done face to face. Birth Trauma Therapy can also be for birth partners however, I cannot see you together as each person’s perception on what part they found difficult or what emotions arise will be different for each individual.

Birth Trauma Therapy can be used antenatally if you had a previous birth experience that is coming up with difficult memories or emotions.

Birth Trauma Therapy can be used postnatally after 28 days from the point you felt you experienced a difficult time. It’s important that we understand this can be a range of things. Miscarriages, failed IVF, difficult experiences in hospital or while giving birth, experiencing a tough time postnatally, breastfeeding problems or having a child in the neonatal unit. There are endless reasons we experience things as traumatic. What we need to establish is whether the trauma template was activated or not, during these times. And with a simple set of questions I will be able to ascertain if Rewind Therapy is the right one for you.

I offer 10 minute consultation via telephone to see if Birth Trauma Therapy is suitable for your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will Birth Trauma Therapy help me?

I qualified as a Birth Trauma Therapy Practitioner with Birth Trauma Resolutions.

Birth Trauma is a simple and effective way of deactivating the trauma template.

If you feel you have developed symptoms such as flashbacks or nightmares then Birth Trauma Therapy can help end these symptoms.

Birth Trauma Therapy gives us an opportunity to process our memories in a calm relaxed way so we can connect it to the correct part of the brain.

What if i want to stop after the first session?

If you would prefer to not complete the course of 3 sessions then I will refund the remaining 2 sessions.

What will happen in the sessions?

Session 1:

We will have brief introductions and I will ask you to talk me through your maternity experience and what part you are struggling with. We will then practice some important breathing exercises, guided imagery and safe space preparation.

Session 2:

We will start with a relaxation script and then move on to the Birth Trauma Therapy Technique which involves your imagination and being in a state of deep relaxation.

Session 3:

We check in how you are feeling, complete some questionnaires to see if the trauma template has been deactivated and see if there's any lasting negative feelings. I then decide what further scripts and exercises might be helpful.

Where will the sessions take place and who can I bring with me?

At the moment the Birth Trauma Therapy would be best carried out in your own home. I cover all areas of Hillingdon, parts of Brent and parts of Ealing and parts of Buckinghamshire.

You are welcome to bring someone with you if this makes you feel more comfortable but the relaxation and guided imagery will be focused on who has attended for support.

I can't treat two people at the same time.